Ethics and responsibility

CFL multimodal has always been committed to give support to the growth and the development of its activities, in keeping with its priorities : safety-health at work, rail and road safety, security, quality of service, environment and social responsibility.

The following ethical principles guide our individual behaviors :

  • Compliance with law
  • Compliance with the Corporate Governance 
  • Respect for our employees
  • Respect for our partners
  • Respect for environment and actions in favor of sustainable development

As an ethical and responsible company, CFL multimodal makes commitment to conducting its activities in compliance with theses priorities and fundamental principles.


ECOlogistics for our future

Protect the environment by promoting modal shift from road to rail.

At CFL multimodal, every employee is encouraged to act in the interest of quality and safety. Ethics is the foundation of this qualitative approach, which aims at federating our people, our customers as well as with our partners and suppliers.
